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  • Writer's pictureNatia

21 Years Around the Sun

Happy Belated Birthday to ME! 

I turned 21 earlier this month on September 4th. I had to delay publishing this blog post because in real time, I was recovering from dental surgery. So what has been written below was supposed to come out on September 8th with a video. However, I have since scrapped the video.

Nonetheless, this post is still quite important and I feel that it should be published.

Birthdays, in general, hold a very special place in my heart. Growing up, they were always an important celebration that my mom was always so intentional with. For me, the sentiment really resonates in the idea that for whatever reason, this is the day that I came into the universe. Life is so incredibly fragile. And as a meditation instructor once said to me, there are an infinite number of miracles that have occurred to get me to where I am in this present moment. Life is also so incredibly difficult to navigate. At least in the United States, I feel culturally, we are almost on autopilot to be reactionary to the stimuli that life presents despite the fact that most situations and circumstances we do not choose to be involved in. And somehow, we are all expected to strive for some sort of greatness. All too often, I think we pass up the greatness that is ourselves, as we are. 

I always get emotional at the arrival of my birthday because to make it to another year is something that not everyone gets the privilege of having. I, myself, have contemplated truncating my journey many times. My birthday marks my resilience. My birthday celebrates me and my essence. It congratulates my tribe, support team and my ancestors who have influenced my arrival at this age. It honors the many lives I am soon to lead and the paths I have yet to take. It can be completely hedonistic and glutinous without question. I am so incredibly proud of the person I am. 

This past year has easily been the most challenging year of my life thus far. I have spent, roughly, the last two years working on myself with so much intention. This year is the first year I feel as though I have been able to fully FEEL my experience in the fullest of its expression and THAT has been so incredibly difficult. Before, I was running from these feelings/experiences. And as strenuous as it has been to fully experience these trials, I am grateful that I am a little more awake. I am able to make a few more choices in how I live as opposed to feeling like I am taking a back seat to my mind. I am learning to move forward with my heart more often. As I continue on my journey, these practices will continue to strengthen. 

Happy Belated Birthday to my fellow Virgos. And Happy Early Birthday to the Libras.

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